Replica researchers at CORESTA 2023, Mexico

Researchers of the Replica project are in Cancun (Mexico) for the Smoke Science and Product Technology Conference, (SSPT2023), organized from October 8 to 12.

The CORESTA SSPT2023 Conference aim is to provide the scientific community with opportunities for discussions with international specialists leading to fruitful collaborations, and multiple occasions for interactions and networking. 

A couple of days ago, prof. Riccardo Polosa, has introduced the event with a speech on “Bolstering confidence in the reduced harm of combustion-free nicotine products: XXI Century approaches“.

Today, on behalf of CoEHAR, the Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction, Massimo Caruso, researcher of the Replica project, attended the conference to present the abstract “Cytotoxicity evaluation of vanillin in electronic cigarette liquids on human aortic artery endothelial cells”.

Dr. Lia Emma, CoEHAR researcher, presented her speech on “Replication study to evaluate the in vitro toxicity profile of the mybluTM electronic cigarette compared to tobacco smoke: the REPLICA project

CORESTA (Centre de Coopération pour les Recherches Scientifiques Relatives au Tabac / Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco) is an association founded in 1956, ruled by French law, the purpose being to promote and facilitate international cooperation and best practices in scientific research relative to tobacco and its derived products.

The mission of CORESTA is to promote and facilitate international cooperation and best practices in scientific research relative to tobacco and its derived products. Its vision is to be recognised as an authoritative source of publicly available, credible science and best practices.

More details at this link .

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